Spring 2024 Bahamas Family Missions
Upcoming dates:
May 25 - June 1, 2024
Join us on our Spring Family Mission Trip to the Bahamas! We'll be working and staying at Every Child Counts, a special needs school located in Marsh Harbor.
We’ve been working at the location for over 22 years and have helped to construct many of the buildings. After the hurricanes, we established camps in the Bahamas for volunteers and have brought people from the United States to work on building projects for the past 3 years.
The school is the top special needs school in the country. The school is not funded by the government and relies on volunteers and support to operate. When we visit the school, we may work on building projects, perform major repairs, or paint, while also interacting with the children and helping them to the best of their ability in both the classroom and on other projects.
This year, we will be staying on site in a living facility that can accommodate 26 people. If you can’t stay the full time that is ok but you will have to arrange your own flight.
Cost: $450
Open to high school students accompanied by a parent.
Holy Cross Catholic Church students need to contact Lori for the cost of their trips.
Fundraising opportunities are available.
After Feb. 1 you will need to get your own flight
Check out Every Child Counts at their website: